不久前,3月17日美国CDC刚公布了一个“优化N95呼吸器供应的策略:危机/替代策略”,批准了其它国家与N95同级别的口罩可以在美国替代使用,名单中包含巴西,韩国,日本,澳大利亚,欧洲,墨西哥和中国(含国内的四个口罩型号:KN100, KP100, KN95, KP95),共七个国家和地区。
但是在3月28日,也就是上周六,美国食品药品管理局FDA又推出了一个新的“紧急使用管理”(Emergency-Use-Administration, 简称EUA),声明可以满足指定性能标准的可接受的呼吸器产品只有六个国家和地区,其中独独少了中国一家!
Dear xxx,
Thank you very much for your inquiry and your trust on us. But I am afraid that we cannot supply the KN95 masks to you and to US.
Not long before, CDC announces:"Use of respirators approved under standards used in other countries that are similar to NIOSH-approved N95 respirators". At that time, we were very glad that KN95 and other FFRs meeting Chinese Standards are admitted to be used in US.
Pls kindly find the document at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/respirators-strategy/crisis-alternate-strategies.html
But on March 28, surprisingly FDA released a new EUA which denied and deleted only Chinese FFRs from the former list.
Pls kindly find the latest EUA at https://www.fda.gov/media/136403/download
So I am afraid we cannot export the masks any more to US. We are too upset that we cannot help you more in this emergency case. But, maybe we could talk about other products?
God bless you and America!
Best regards,
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